Simply {Check it out}

Guess what????

Simply {Gorgeous} Photography has an official WEBSITE!!

It's still a project that's in the works. Hoping to add the last few final touches on it within the next few weeks.

But come check it out and let me know what you think.

I Heart Faces Entry...

I {heart} faces theme for this week is "bundled up".

Just look how that little girl is not only bundled up with her puffy coat and faux fur hood, but also in her mama's love.

Simply {Boudoir}

First off..........

I did my very first bridal show this past weekend. I was nervous. Very nervous and very excited. Because really, that I know of, I am the only woman photographer around this area that is pursuing boudoir photography. Some photographers may dable in it, but I really want to bring it main stream. So when women think to themselves "oh, that would be so awesome to do, what in the heck do you even call sexy pictures", they will now know it's boudoir photography and it really is no longer a taboo word.

Because I guarantee you 95% of woman have thought about it. Every woman wants to feel sexy. Every woman wants to break out of the everyday mold and do something maybe even she is not expecting. And helllllooo, show me a man that doesn't want to see pictures of his woman feelin confident and sexy.

But let me just THANK YOU so much for all the brides that stopped by my booth. I think some woman were shocked, some were intrigued and some were excited and some were all three. But the overall response was positive and it just instills in me that this is were I'm supposed to be, and this is what I should be doing.


Here are a few images from the "Better late than never Valentine" boudoir marathon. A few amazing woman did amazing jobs and I actually had the opportunity to speak to one of the girl's boyfriend personally and he RAVED about how awesome his girl looked and how much fun she had.

That makes me happy =)

Simply {PLease LAWD!!!}

I about fell over this morning while doing my check-in at facebook with my cup-o-joe. I {heart} faces is doing one heck of an awesome giveaway....a FREE (my favorite price tag) spot to Amy Wenzel's May workshop.

Ummmmm helllllooooo... this is the Amy Wenzel. What an exciting opportunity, not to mention the loads of awesome knowledge my brain can soak up as well as hopefully connecting with fellow photographers and perhaps new friendships. I'm all about new friendships =). Senior season is upon us and I would be over the moon to learn so many things from her and apply it this year, and the years to come.

I live in southwest Michigan and she is located just about 3 hours north of me in Grand Rapids. As a mother to 3 and a wife to a grad student, travel far and wide is just something that is not feasible to me. But guess what??? Traveling 3 little measly hours is =) So come on and shoot some positive vibes my way while reading my entry, MY STORY-How I inspire others. I hope it inspires you!

My life really began at 16. For many people they say their life started at 26,27,28,ect when you typically get married, buy a home and perhaps start a family. I did all this at 16. My life took a different turn than what I had expected one early May morning when I should have been at my first class, but instead I was staring at a pregnancy test with weak knees as the two lines stared right back at me.

Those nine months were a whirlwind of ups and downs. I gathered the courage to tell my parents that their teenage daughter was pregnant, I finished high school through correspondence(2 years ahead of schedule), I married my wonderful husband, we bought a home and welcomed our little baby girl just 1 month shy of my 17th birthday.

The first four years were very hard, I’m not gonna lie. My husband and I were growing up. We were growing up together, and sometimes apart. We were both going to college, raising our daughter, working full time, and just the stress of everyday life was sometimes overwhelming. But it only seems this way when I look back on it. At the time I felt like I had it all, because basically I did. I learned so much about myself those first four years that I would never trade them for anything. I found out I was much braver, stronger, smarter, loving, stubborn, and hard-working than I thought. My confidence grew and grew and so my outlook to tackle more things grew as well.

My husband joined the Air Force and we moved to California. We spent another four years out their and welcomed our son during that time. We had no real family or friends out there so we were basically all by ourselves. We grew together, all four of us, so close as a family. We had no real outside influences. It was our time to grow together, just us, and I am so thankful that.

Now we are back home in Michigan. Which if we hadn’t moved back to Michigan, we may of had not welcomed the newest addition Ava Marley Mae into our family. And a crazy idea with a friend of mine bloomed into a new love of photography may of not happened. You just never know where life will take you.

My husband and I just celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary. We have three beautiful children together. Each and every step in the journey to come to this point is in no way where I thought I’d be. But in all honesty I threw out plans years ago, and all I do is live in the moment.

I hope my photography/story inspires other photographers to throw out all those negative feelings that may hold them back. Don’t be scared. If I was scared of the “what ifs” all throughout my life, look at all the wonderful things I would be giving up.While I have not been into photography long I think my story reflects the kind of person I am and I hope that shines through in my photographs.

I took a fairly big step diving into the world of Boudoir Photography. No other photographer really around my area does this so at first I thought there might be some negative feelings from others about it. But I believed in it more than my fear about it. Does that make sense? =)

My favorite quote

“Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” -Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I hope

* You are your biggest cheerleader. You have to believe in yourself for others to follow suit. So go ahead and toot your own horn.

*Don’t be scared if you had a vision for your photography, but as you learn and grow your ideas morph into another

*Do connect with each one of your clients. Treat them as you would a friend, and more than likely they will become one.

*Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Your client hired you for you and your photography, so why try to be someone and shoot like someone your not.

*Take pictures that reflect your client. And then add a little of your style in the mix.

*Connect with other photographers. I love making new friendships.

*Love what you do, and do what you love. period.

Encourage one another-
