Simply {Boudoir}

First off..........

I did my very first bridal show this past weekend. I was nervous. Very nervous and very excited. Because really, that I know of, I am the only woman photographer around this area that is pursuing boudoir photography. Some photographers may dable in it, but I really want to bring it main stream. So when women think to themselves "oh, that would be so awesome to do, what in the heck do you even call sexy pictures", they will now know it's boudoir photography and it really is no longer a taboo word.

Because I guarantee you 95% of woman have thought about it. Every woman wants to feel sexy. Every woman wants to break out of the everyday mold and do something maybe even she is not expecting. And helllllooo, show me a man that doesn't want to see pictures of his woman feelin confident and sexy.

But let me just THANK YOU so much for all the brides that stopped by my booth. I think some woman were shocked, some were intrigued and some were excited and some were all three. But the overall response was positive and it just instills in me that this is were I'm supposed to be, and this is what I should be doing.


Here are a few images from the "Better late than never Valentine" boudoir marathon. A few amazing woman did amazing jobs and I actually had the opportunity to speak to one of the girl's boyfriend personally and he RAVED about how awesome his girl looked and how much fun she had.

That makes me happy =)


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