Simply {Family} feels like I haven't blogged in forever!

Been pretty busy though and I 100% LOVE it! The weather has been pretty nice out and summer is just around the corner.
On an exceptionally nice day a few weeks ago I met up with the Crabtree family at one of my new favorite parks in South Bend.
I have known Renee (Mama Crabtree) for quite sometime now. She was the older, eclectic sister too one of my BFF's. I think she is the one who introduced me to Violent Femmes "Blister in the Sun" when I was about 13. Anywho...she's all grown up now with a beautiful family and runs a very successful business that she started all on her own. I contacted her back in January to see if she could help me put together a new website. See... when it comes to technical things like websites, if you don't show me something, there is no use in telling me because I won't understand. Don't "You gotta find html codes and blah, blah,blah" me. But with her help and the fabulous showit site peeps my new site is better than I could of imagined.

So we worked out a little deal....she helps me and I get to spend a beautiful afternoon following around her family and their bee-u-tee-ful puppy. Ummmm...I totally think I got the better end of the stick =)

So with out further ado......The Crabtree Family...

Check this next one out...can you see the little interaction between the little girl (Bailey) and their puppy (yes she's still a puppy).

Here is the newest Crabtree family member Lucy.

Now I have watched many episodes of "The Dog Whisper" so you would think I would have enough common sense to not baby talk to Lucy and get her all riled up, but..............I didn't. She's an Airedale and has the softess coat/hair/fur.

Now meet the cuteness that is Bailey and Tai.

Look at those eyes! Almost identical. This kinda captures their personalities quite good. Tai seems to be quite serious, the thinker. Bailey....she just wants to do her own thing (a girl after my own heart)

But one thing is certain, they sure do love each other.

We walked quite a bit and finally reached a park and let the kids play for a little bit.

Tai played restaurant. Towards the end, and after already ordering quite a bit of things he informed me I must order 9 more things so that he could reach his daily goal. So I did as I was told =)

And Bailey took off to the tube slide.

Then we tried to sneek a shot or two of just mom and dad

(( there is a whole lot of love between those two let me just say))

Then our session came close to an end. Like any 5 and 3 year old picture time can only go on for so long before we hit a wall and some meltdowns are close by. And that's the last thing I want.
So I took mom off for some headshots and meanwhile told Bailey to stay behind and try to lick her elbow.

((come on, you know it's funny))

Go check Renee out at

There are even more pictures from my session with the Crabtree family here.

Stay up is our GORGEOUS 2011 Senior Reps!!

I heart Faces


This week I heart faces's theme is DESSERTS! Here in Michigan the weather is just starting to break and we are trading our normal puffy winter coats for flimsy spring ones, or perhaps no coats at all!

No other dessert reminds me more of summer than Grape Salad.

First start off with 1.5-2.0lbs of both green and red (washed and dried) grapes.

Discard any over mushy/broken ones. Hey, we can't all make it to the big dance...

Then in a separate bowl add 8oz of softened cream cheese and 8oz of sour cream and dump 1/2 cup of sugar on top...

Then grab yourself some oh-so-yummy vanilla. Add about a cap full..

Then whip it all up into a fluffy concoction of sinfulness...

Then add the grapes and coat everyone of them lil buggers until all nutritional value has been all covered up....

At this time a few wanders may come your way. Don't let them down....share the love...

Now transfer the grapes to a longer, more shallow dish. You have to do this because your about to add a delightful topping and it's of the upmost importance that every grape gets covered. Yes you have to dirty a whole new dish, but my hubby does the dishes so really what do I care? =)

The recipe call to cover it in 1 cup of brown sugar, but I'm a good girl and usually only use 1/2 of 3/4 of a cup.

Then take some pecans...I don't know about half a bag and throw them in the food processor..

And give them a few pulses, you want them fine but not a pecan flour

And go ahead and slather em on top.

And Wa-La! Yummy Yummy Grape Salad. It's like a summer on a plate.

HEY!!!! What the?.....

Oh it's just Ava. When you melt your mama's heart you are basically free to do as you please.

Grape Salad
1.5lbs of green grapes
1.5lbs of red grapes
8oz of soft cream cheese
8oz of sour cream
1/2 cup of sugar
small cap full of vanilla

3/4 cup of brown sugar
1/2 bag of chopped pecans