We decided to go St. Pat's Park in South Bend. It was close by and they had some really cute areas to shoot. I have not been there in years and years so I had forgotten what a pretty park it is.
This is "G". He's two..he's adorable and he knows it. He knows he's just got to spread on a lil charm and he's pretty much golden. Almost everytime I tried to get G's attention he would turn the other way. And rightfully so, he's two and he's too busy to stop and chat with this crazy lady with a large camera when there are swings to swing on, slides to slide on, and barns to play around at.

So G didn't want much to do with me. But towards the end I think he started to warm up to me so after getting home and realizing I got some really good shots but I really wanted to capture that handsome, huge smile (the kind where there eyes disappear cause it looks like their cheeks just swallowed them up) I called up mom to see if we could have another session the following week and thankfully she agreed with no hesitation. So this week I came prepared......
Need I say more?? I got some more really cute shots of him this time. I think he is getting use to me.
And this is his equally adorable sister "B".
She's a little over 20lbs of straight chunky leg, squishy cheek goodness. She's a doll face.
As long as mama is around..
And these kids sure do love them some mama...
And their mama sure does love them..
Check out more from this session by clicking on the kids/families link above. It will be updated shortly.
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